Sunday, December 3, 2023

Final Post: Our Relationship With Technology

     As a member of Gen Z, since I was born technology has been a part of my life. As early as elementary school I remember using computers and tablets during school hours and then rushing home to play games and watch videos on my own personal IPad. As I have got older technology has become more advanced and a more important part of my daily routines. 

    My relationship with technology started with my parent's influence. Both my parents and older siblings have always used technology in their daily lives which ultimately influenced my usage. When my parents introduced technology into my life they did not know the power it would soon hold over all of us and the consequences that come with it. Like many adults who did not grow up with technology understanding the concept of it was difficult. 

    In the video featuring the "Futurama" ride it shows what many predicted their futures to look like. While some of these predictions were accurate there was a lack of focus own our own personal technology devices. The ride shows things like underwater hotels and flying cars, while these technological advances were valid predictions once again it didn't touch on the idea of cellphones, computers and tablets. 

     The average age for a kid to get a phone is between 12-13. This age range is middle school children. Pre-teens having a phone and using social media opens the opportunity for cyber bullying and poor digital footprint.  Cell phone users at this age do not understand the consequences of their online actions yet because they are blinded by the excitement of their new freedom. 

    Like most kids I was gifted my first phone in middle school. My parents initially gave it to me as a safety measure and a form of communication to them. Despite their original goals my first phone opened my eyes to the world of social media. During my first years online is when I developed what many could consider an "addiction" to these social media apps just like other kids my age. As more and more social media apps come out the risks become greater. 

    As technology advances we become more dependent on it. This dependance has created an unhealthy relationship with my devices. While technology has many benefits to me in my daily life it also poses as my biggest distraction. Using technology in relation to school has been a consistent benefit. I am able to use my computer to take notes, do research, communicate with professors and turn in assignments. My education has been more efficient due to technology and I have been able to learn many online skills that will help me during my future. Due to my age the use of technology in an educational environment is accepted and normal.

    While technology has benefited me in my education it also is my biggest distraction. As schools have accepted the technology use by students it is normal for me to have my computer open during class for things like notes. However, it is easy to switch my focus from school to personal use when on my computer. During class it is hard to not check and respond to texts or update myself on what's going on on social media. This idea of distraction is a major downfall and something many students struggle with. 

    Along with my computer I often find myself procrastinating by using my phone to scroll through Tik Tok or watch a movie on Netflix. This is where the relationship becomes unhealthy. A study shows the average screen time for college students is 8-10 hours a day. Along with that screen time 86 percent of college students report to sleep with their cell phone, tablet or computer in their room with them.
Technology has taken over the lives of many and will continue to have these negative effects with more advances. 

    Even with the knowledge of the side effects of technology we as a society continue to accept it and let it take over our world. It is now possible to meet people, apply for jobs and build a career all through the online world. It is easy to center your life through being online which forces people to isolate themselves. In a study done it was reported that adults aged 19-32 who have a higher screen time feel three times more isolated than those who aren't using social media as frequently. This social isolation in adults and teens can result in mental health issues. Along with these mental issues technology and social media can cause many physical health issues like sleeping problems, eye strains and posture problems. 

    The term "digital footprint" has become more relevant as more join social media. It is a fact that you can only control your own social media presence, we have no ability to control how others act. Social media can lead to cyber bullying and many mental health issues. Again with these downfalls is where technology becomes more of a risk than a benefit. Most young teens new to social media don't understand that whatever you post is on the internet forever. Many adults don't teach their children about an online footprint because they don't understand it themself. Employers and educators can look at any online footprint where they may find a controversial post. 

    The normalization of technology has eliminated positive boundaries and limits with it. There needs to be more of a focus on teaching and educating the youth on both the dangerous and risks of their technology and social media usage. 

    My own experience with technology has been both positive and negative. I often find myself wondering what my life would be like with lower technology usage and if I would be more productive without the distraction of social media. Not only have I been affected but it is clear to me my family and friends have as well. 

In conclusion, technology has advanced farther than many believed it could. The idea of it is so normalized in our society it will be difficult to make a change. As a society it is important we recognize the risks like cyber bullying, procrastination and health problems that come with technology. While there is no chance to eliminate the risks and addictions of technology it is possible to make personal goals to limit technology usage and understand how it affects you personally. 



Final Post: Our Relationship With Technology

       As a member of Gen Z, since I was born technology has been a part of my life. As early as elementary school I remember using computer...