Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Blog #3: 8 Values of Free Expression

     Under the rights stated by the first amendment we as Americans have to right to freedom of speech. The first amendment states not only do we have freedom of speech but as well freedom of religion, press assembly and right to petition the government. These rights give us freedom to stand up and vocalize our beliefs which most countries do not have the right to do. 

    Protect Dissent can be defined as an encouragement of debate and deliberation in our society that inspire positive change. Some may say it is our duty as Americans to criticize the government and the choices of the government to ensure they do not have a supreme control over the country without debate. 

    The idea of protect dissent and freedom of speech go hand and hand as they both allow for discussion on the way our country runs. The Boston

Tea Party is an early example of protect dissent or a protest. During the Boston Tea Party colonist were protesting for their rights against the British government, these actions led to our constitution giving us the right to continue to speak up and protest. A more modern day example of protect dissent is the Black Lives Matter movement or the Pro Life/Pro Choice debates. 

These modern day examples of protests are people actively practicing their first amendment rights by using freedom of speech, assembly and the right to petition the government. 

     While we have to right to speak up and protest there are cases in which the protests become unlawful or not respected if protesters aren't following the guidelines. There are 6 principals to dissent: legality, precaution, necessity, proportionality, accountability and non-discrimination. 

    With the guidelines of these 6 principals in place it provides structure that protests and disagreements should be reasonable and safe. Our right of freedom of speech does not permit citizens to speak non truthful statements that will serve the public with misinformation. The principals also state that protests must be lawful and safe for all. A protest can be shut down when it becomes a danger to the general public. Not only are people able to assemble in person but there have been online assemblies where people use the power of social media to assemble together and practice their rights. 

    The first amendment ensures democracy. Through the power of the first amendment we as citizens can take part in making sure our country has laws and rules that we agree with. When our founding fathers were building our country they knew that without the first amendment there would be issues repeated in the future that they had already experienced. 

    As our society advances more problems and disagreements arise. With these modern problems such as gender equality, environmental issues, and ethnic oppression it is important that younger generations proactively use their rights and to make certain they will be living in a country they are proud of. 

    The first amendment gives us a privilege of freedom of speech. This privilege is not available in most countries which makes it even more important that we as Americans debate and challenge opinions to keep our democracy functioning properly. 


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