Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Blog #10: In the Age of AI

 The term "Artificial Intelligence" or known as "AI" is a term that has only become popular in the last few years but it is one that will soon take over our world. AI is a robot that is controlled by a computer, the robot is programed to do regular tasks that a human can do. 

 The tasks competed by this program have only ever been know to do by a human. However recently with the artificial intelligence programing simple tasks are no longer restricted to just humans. "In the age of AI" is a documentary that focuses on how AI is taking over our world and the history of how it came to be what it is today. 

The documentary starts out by showing videos of a popular game in china that people have been playing for years. The game requires a high level of thinking and planned out moves done by the players. The documentary then goes on to highlight an AI robot who has been programed to play this game against the country's best player. Everyone believes the robot will fail and the human will win based off experience. The results of the game showed the robot had one. The programers programed the robot with hundreds of different moves it needed to win the game. 

This game against the robot could be considered the start of AI. Many people in the video expressed their fears around AI. These robots are able to do just about anything which puts humans jobs in danger. In just a few short years it is possible that AI will be performing surgeries, creating business plans and even teaching school classes. 

The documentary does a good job of offering different perspectives on AI. Some portions of the documentary share the positive effects AI can have on our society. There are endless opportunities where AI can help business, teachers and students. If you simply ask AI a question for example on your computer, within seconds it will have generated an answer. 

In terms of negative effects due to AI there is a large risk of dehumanization. When watching the video this sparked a lot of thoughts for me personally. The endless potential AI has can be scary for us as humans. There was a portion of the documentary that talked about all the jobs at risk due to AI. In just a few years it is possible AI can take over jobs relating to teaching, marketing, finance and many more. Many people have fears that companies will switch over to using AI instead of hiring and paying actual workers. 

Online security and privacy are also at great risk due to AI. There are already many risks with personal information with current online programs. AI opens new possibilities to a security threat. The programing behind AI is so complex and detailed that large companies or even the government can use it find personal information. In more technological advanced cities like Tokyo the use of AI and robots are extremely prominent. Cities and countries like this put our national security at risk. 

AI is an idea that we cannot avoid. As technology advances these programs that create AI will advance too. For many it can be a great fear that it will negatively effect their life, career and security. However for those creating AI it is a great advance that will improve our society. "In the age of AI" is a documentary that gives multiple perspectives on the topic. For those who want to learn about AI and see how it can potentially effect them this documentary provides information on all aspects of the topic. 

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