Monday, September 4, 2023

Blog #1: Top 5 Sources of News and Information

     News and information can come from a variety of different sources in todays world. You can get your news online, television or a paper copy depending on what you want to learn and which form of news is most convenient. For me personally I like to get my news online whether that be from social media platforms or written articles online. 

 The New Yorker: This is a news cite I often find myself reading if there is a big story going on in the country. This is a source I do not check everyday but for bigger cases in which I want to be educated on. This source is available to me both online but also a tangible copy if I want to. A recent story from them I saw was about AI taking over college campuses. This was a story relevant to me that I could interesting so I sat down and read the article written. These articles are easy to read and understand which makes them a source I find myself going back too often. 

Cosmopolitan: As a female college student studying fashion and social media communications Cosmopolitan is a news site I find myself looking at almost everyday. The news posted on this website is light hearted and simple. They post news about celebrities, style, beauty, lifestyle and shopping. In my future I want to do work similar to those who work for Cosmopolitan therefore reading their content not only informs me on topics I am interested in but also gives me a first hand look of work I want to do in the future.  

Social media: In todays age it has become more common to turn to social media for news. Personally I find myself using social media most for news sources because I know it often comes out fastest and there will be several different accounts that touch on the subjects. When getting news from social media I mainly turn to Instagram and Tik Tok because those are the platforms I use most on a daily basis. When a big news story goes public specifically on Tik Tok it seems the whole app is taken over by it so finding information is easy however making sure the information you are seeing is accurate is where it becomes difficult. Instagram I use to fund the story and find which news sources have created content about it.

 Enews: Enews is what I like to consider my "guilty pleasure" news source. Some of the information posted on here is rumors or gossip about celebrities and their personal lives. I use Enews as more of an entertainment news source rather than a reliable source for information. On the website there is a section titled "Trending Now" this is where I do most of my reading because it's about celebrities drama that is entertaining to read. Stories like "Who did Taylor Swift write her new song about?" and "All the couples who broke up summer of 2023." are examples of the news stories I find myself reading on Enews. 

The Washington Post: The Washington Post is the source I find myself using the least but also the source I find myself reading the most important information on. When a story comes about that I know is serious or important to learn about I turn to the Washington Post because I am confident they will give reliable and logical information to their readers. I use the Washington post mainly through their social media specifically their Twitter account which post live updates about news stories that are short to read but bring forth reliable information. 

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