Thursday, September 7, 2023

Blog #4: History of the Google Search Engine

     Google is a company both known and used worldwide by millions of people everyday. The company was first brought to life in 1995 when two Stanford students began working on a search engine they originally called "BackRub." They created this name because the algorithm they were using ranked and calculated how many "back-links" a web page used. 

    When formulating BackRub they used a data collection system. This system used the number of pages and the relevancy of the pages to rank different websites in relation to the original search. This self-funded technology lead to the creation of what we now know and use as Google. 

    As the company gained popularity they released their first official mission statement: "To organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful."

    With the growth of the company over the next few years the original creators Larry Page and Sergey Bryn began hiring employees like engineers, computer scientist, marketing staff and sales professionals. Due to their growth Page and Bryn began to get a lot of offers from buyers who were interested in buying their company. In 2003 Yahoo made Page and Brin an offer to buy the company. Yahoo offered them 3 billion dollars. When the partnership began to get these offers they realized the power and importance of what they have started. 

    As the company gained more popularity they decided to further their inventions. Through the years of 2005-2012 google came out with things like google maps, google calendar and google chrome. During the year of 2004 the company leased a new headquarters for their newly hired 800 employees, this space is now known as Googleplex today. 

    Google has permanently changed the modern day internet throughout the years. It is now second nature for students, workers and teachers to turn to Google for help. Due to the advances made by Google we are able to plug in a few words to the search bar and have millions of results in seconds. These results are provided to us so quickly because of something Google calls Spiders the spiders use an algorithm that allows them to search the web in seconds. While searching the web the spiders are matching words in your search to websites titles, texts and pages so they can learn about the website. After finding the best results Google is able to match you with accurate data in your search all in less than a few seconds. 

    Throughout years to come Google will continue to create more Google platforms and advance the way their search engine works. All within the past few years Google as already created an algorithm that works faster and better than many cites. The Google company has no plans of slowing down but they will continue to advance their spot on the internet. 



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