Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blog #7

Diffusion of Innovations "is a theory that seeks to explain how, why and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. In 1962 Everette Rogers created this theory and further popularized it. In his theory Rogers proposed there are 5 main elements that influence the spread of this idea; the innovation itself, adopters, communications channels, time and a social system. Within the processes of diffusion of innovations there are adapters these consist of early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. 

There are constantly new innovations coming out and being created. Some of these innovations are more widely adapted than others but it ultimately comes down to how fast people adopt the innovation in order for it to succeed. 

 An innovation that stood out to me in my life time was the creation of Tik Tok. While Tik Tok was one of the most recent social media platforms to come out it took its way to the top quickly. Many social media users would say Tik Tok is their most used platform as well as their most recent downloaded platform. 

Many people across the world wonder how Tik Tok became so popular because platforms like Instagram, Facebook and snapchat were already created and had a similar experience for users. 

The timing of the launch of Tik Tok contributed to its popularity because it become popular in the United States close to the start of the pandemic. This was important for the company because while the world was in lock down with nothing to do many turned to the app for entertainment and a way to interact with others virtually. 

 In relation to the Diffusion Theory Tik Tok is a perfect example of an innovation to use Rogers guidelines for the success of this platform. The app had all forms of adaptors ranging from early adopters to late adopters. The group of early adopters consisted of late teenagers and people in their early 20s. This group of early adopters were what brought the app to its popularity. The younger generations started by downloading the app and getting used to this platform by watching the short funny videos posted by others. As they became more comfortable with the app users were able to begin sharing videos both to other social media platforms and friends who may not have been on the app originally. 

 Once a non user had watched one video whether that be on something like Facebook or just one shared with them it becomes addicting to want to continue scrolling and watching. All of those who spent time during the pandemic using Tik Tok could be credited for the Sucsess of the app. 

 As the app grew popularity the late adopters began to see the uproar caused by users. Late adopters were older generations, business owners and many parents to children already on the app. Without the usage of the late adopters Tik Tok may not be what it is today. For business owners Tik Tok became a place for them to promote their products and gain customers. 

While many users simply use the app for entertainment there is a large percentage of users who use the app for personal gain. Within years of the apps release they created something called the "creator fund" which is a way for Tik Tok to pay creators who have a large following and bring more traffic to the app. 

The app has presented to be a controversial topic in the past due to some of the negative effects it has on users. Some users have reported struggles getting off the app because the videos can be 'addicting" to watch. The never ending "for you page" filled with interesting videos puts users into a cycle that that is hard to get out of. This has posed some negativity around the app in the past that almost led to a ban of the app in the United States. Many people have forced themselves to get off the app and just live a Tik Tok free lifestyle. 

Since the app was not baned it has continued to grow. The positive effects and benefits of this app surely out weigh the negatives. It is important for users to have self control when using the app so they can benefit from all the information and products the app can provide. 

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