Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Blog #6: The Progressive Era

    Dissent means to voice your opinion, a powerful source for developing effective public reasoning. There are many different forms of dissent; in law, government and war. 
    In regards to the role of dissent and war it relates a lot to loyalty and the enemy of war. When nations enter war they need to have support behind them from the citizens of their nation. The American Bar Association  says " Public disagreement about war strengthens the enemy's resolve and deepens its will to fight. If it is disloyal to strengthen he enemy's mettle, then dissent fits the bill."
    In all aspects of our society dissent is powerful to develop public reasoning and opinion. However, when it comes to the role of dissent in war it can make us look weak to the enemy when there is different opinions on the war and strategies. 

In terms of war the enemy must believe that the oponinet is strong and unite. If there is dissent and anti war voices it shows that a nation is not unite and there are possibilities of weakness. When looking at the anti-war websites there were a lot of conservative opinions on topics like internecine conflicts in our region. This specific website was asking readers why it is important to double down on these conflicts. The next website I looked at titled its self as "Your best source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities." On this second website there were links and headings to topics like Ukraine, money spent on Polland, and counter acts against China. 

Both of these websites shared similar topics around their overarching goal to promote their antiwar opinions. During my research on antiwar and the role of dissent I wanted to find another source of information however I struggled to find another website. These antiwar websites are difficult to find and it requires a lot of searching to come across one of them. The difficulty in finding these websites related back to the role of dissent in war. A nation should limit the amount of dissent during war to ensure they stand as a unified army that has people behind them. 
When looking at these websites I noticed they were small and not owned by mainstream companies. There are multiple reasons in which main stream news stations and websites are not able to publish antiwar news. Some of these reasons relating to government influence or fundings, bias and economical purposes. Many main stream news sources are funded by the government and if they begin to practice their role of dissent and publish antiwar content they could loose their fundings. 

In terms of the Government relationship to these news sources many of them are influenced by the government. With the influence of the government there can be a lot of censorship and limited coverage based on what the government approves that they publish. With ownership whether that be cooperate ownership or government influence that means full control of what is published. 

 Many reasons play a factor in why antiwar websites are difficult to find. The main one being that they are small websites that are not mainstream. My research helped me learn about the many different reasons as to why large news sources do not post antiwar content. From economic reasons to ownership reasons antiwar content is hard to come across on main stream news. The people who support anti war opinions are able to use their power of dissent to speak their mind on smaller private owned websites. 


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