Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Blog #5: Presentations Reflections

     Through the in class presentations I was able to learn about the history and origin of many different technological advances. 

 The presentation on instant messaging stood out to me especially because it is something I have used my whole life and truly have never thought about what communication was like before. For many in my generation when we got our first phone instant messaging was already established and downloaded on the phone.

    During the presentation information about the origins of instant messaging and some of the first messages were talked about. I learned the first text message was sent in 1992 and it read "Merry Christmas" This message was sent before cell phones were around so it was received on an Orbital.

    I found it interesting to learn that instant messaging was invited before cell phones were popular. The machine this instant message was sent on was a land line phone that was mainly met for phone calls. Later on the invention of instant messaging became more advanced. First came phones being made with SMS messaging which is what we mainly use today. Later in 1999 people began to message each other when they were using different networks. 

    The invention of instant messaging grew fast and gained a lot of popularity. For people who were experiencing the growth first hand it must have been ground breaking. For so long you could only use phone calls to communicate virtually but there would be all new opportunities with instant messaging. 

As I was learning about the history of instant messaging it made me reflect on my experience with it. I took a second to think about how instant messaging has effected my phone usage. On my cell phone I find myself texting people more than I ever pick up my phone to make a phone call. I mainly only call people such as my parents or grandparents to have longer conversations. During my reflection I decided to look at the amount of unread messages I had on my phone which counted to be a little over 80 unread messages. 

    All of my unread messages made me realize that sometimes instant messaging can be a failed way of communication because I will forget to answer a text or look at a text. However if those people had called me I would have been more likely to answer my phone. 

Instant messaging was created to be real time way of messaging. This invention allows us to communicate with someone while we are doing everyday tasks. For example, "I am walking over now" or "Just finished dinner". Texting is often meant to be short messages that provide an update or a quick catch up with someone. Instant messaging is so relevant in my life not only do I have it set up on my iPhone but also my computer so I can see and receive messages even if my phone is not on. 

    Instant messaging was created as a way of faster communication. From a simple message of Merry Christmas on a landline phone it has now amounted into many main form of virtual communication. The future of Instant messaging has endless possibilities. 

    As companies like Apple and Samsung continue to make advances to their cell phones there are possibilities to make advances to instant messaging. That will continue to revolutionize the product just like it did when it first came out. 

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